<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0d53cfd9-cb7e-4f1c-a77e-1aa0de7944a4/sparkle_gray.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/0d53cfd9-cb7e-4f1c-a77e-1aa0de7944a4/sparkle_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Ben Grant (bengrant.dev)
The RMIT Technology Coalition is the "umbrella club" over the five major tech clubs at RMIT, and serves to help with event collaboration and running joint larger events.
After some struggles getting the existing logo designed for the coalition to work on different backgrounds and be easily recognisable from a distance, I decided to redesign the logo based on some clear principles:
This is the old logo used for the coalition. It has too many fine details, and is not easy to recognise, especially from a distance or on a different background colour (such as a poster).
You can also see above the logo as shown on the corner of a poster and how hard it is to distinguish.
The new logo that I designed incorporates each of the five clubs main colours into the logo. It can also be used as a monochrome version in black or white, and as a standalone icon.
Blue: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers student branch (IEEE) Green: The Programming Club (TPC) Red: Computer Science and Information Technology Society (CSIT) Pink: RMIT Information Security Collective (RISC) Purple: Society for Women in Information TeCHnology (SWITCH) Orange: Females in RMIT Engineering (FIRE)